"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
-James 1:27 (NIV)

We believe that we can best serve God by serving the “least of these” in Kenya. In accomplishing our mission, we will use every means possible to be spiritually sensitive and financially accountable to those who support us.
The Purpose and mission of Sundi’s Gift, Inc. is to fulfill Christ’s admonition referenced by James 1:27 to take care of widows and orphans. We provide help through providing new water sources as well as building churches and schools.

How it Started
What began as an idea on a trip to Kenya in 2007 resulted in the creation of Sundi’s Gift a year later. Since then, we have worked closely with pastors and lay leaders in the slum areas near Nairobi to raise the standard of living for the children there.
Sundi’s Gift is named after Everett and Linda Smith’s grandchildren, Sundi Lin Victoria Smith and Zawadi Damon Everett Smith. Their third grandchild Jasiri is on their left. In Swahili, Sundi means “joy” and Zawadi means “gift,” hence our name: Sundi’s Gift.

In June 2012, Sundi’s Gift, Kenya, a branch of the US corporation, was formed in order to have a legal entity in Kenya to represent our interests there. The board of Sundi’s Gift, Inc., a 501(c)3 charitable organization, is now comprised of a lawyer, accountant, business people, and pastors. Two board members are Kenyan-born American citizens.
Don’t forget to sign up for our annual Swing for Kids golf tournament in September. Sponsor a hole sign at our golf tournament to advertise your business or to honor a loved one. See the golf tab for more details.

Future Plans
We will continue to build out the property, including 8 fish ponds, vegetable gardens, and fruit trees. The fish raised, as well as the fruits and vegetables grown, will help feed local children. Food that is not needed will be sold at market to pay the costs of the project.
How You Can Help
We raise money through donations from church groups, individuals, and an annual golf tournament and silent auction. Feel free to donate funds or items for our silent auction. Click here to donate now. We would love your support.